Activities at Grange Rifle and Pistol Club
Air Rifle & Pistol Section
The Air Gun Section of the club shoot from 1000 to around 1230 on Sunday mornings. Ranges A & C are mainly used for air rifle shooting and range B is used exclusively for air pistol shooting. A variety of spinners and knock-down targets are normally placed at ranges from 15 metres out to 50 metres on C Range. On A Range members shoot at paper targets at 25 metres. On B Range members shoot paper or card targets at 10 metres.
The club has a compressor with which to fill Pre Charged Pneumatic air guns up to a maximum pressure of 200 Bar. A fee of £1 is made for the recharging of the air reservoirs on guns. The compressor cannot be used to fill or top-up dive bottles.
Newcomers to the section will be looked after by one of the section members, who can give informal coaching if required.